Tuberous Breast Correction

Realize Your True Aesthetic Self

We believe that every patient deserves to feel comfortable and confident in their own body. With tuberous breast surgery in Beverly Hills, Dr. Min provides patients with a means of achieving an aesthetic that matches their personal ideals. You deserve to unlock a sense of empowerment and self-confidence about every part of your body, and we are here to help make that a reality.

What is a Tuberous Breast?

Tuberous breasts are a congenital condition characterized by narrowed base of the breasts that are associated with thick connective tissue in the chest. It is noticed when breasts start to develop during puberty and can be of varying severity. Commonly, tuberous breasts also have enlarged areolas, cone-shaped breasts and generally smaller breasts. It can significantly impact women’s self-confidence and lead to body image issues.

What Is Tuberous Breast Correction?

Tuberous breast correction is a surgical procedure that reshapes the breasts in order to correct tuberous, constricted, or misshapen breasts. Using a variety of surgical techniques, the goal is to create an aesthetically pleasing result that looks balanced and maintains a natural appearance.

Signs You Are a Candidate

If you have any of the following breast characteristics (on one breast or both of them), you may be a candidate for tuberous breast correction:

  • Large or puffy nipples
  • Narrow breast width with an increased distance between the two breasts
  • Constricted breast base, leading to a “tubular” or cone shape
  • Breast asymmetry
  • Low breast volume
  • Short distance between the nipple and the breast fold

If you note yourself having any of these symptoms, it is important to consult with an experienced plastic surgeon who can evaluate your condition and determine whether tuberous breast correction is the right option for you.

An Overview of the Surgery

Because each individual has differing severity of the condition, the appropriate surgery to fix the condition can also vary. Prior to surgery. Dr. Min will examine each patient’s breasts and listen to the patient’s desired look to come up with the surgical plan to help achieve improved shape, symmetry and volume. This may include techniques such as breast implant placement, breast lift techniques and fat transfer to breasts. In most cases, patients will receive general anesthesia to ensure a comfortable surgical experience.

After the Surgery: Recovery & Care

After the surgery, patients should expect to experience swelling and soreness for several days and follow Dr. Min’s instructions regarding care after the surgery, which will promote healing and reduce the risk of any complications. This may include avoiding strenuous activities, and taking prescribed medication. As you recover, Dr. Min can see you for follow-up appointments and let you know when you can gradually begin returning to your usual routine and physical activities.

Seeing Your Results from Tuberous Breast Correction

Over the first few weeks, swelling and bruising should continue to subside, resulting in beautiful, natural-looking breasts with improved symmetry and volume. Your results can last for years, especially when combined with a healthy lifestyle and a stable weight.
Dr. Min
Dr. Min

Meet Dr. Elise Min

Board-Certified Female Plastic Surgeon Specializing In Breast And Body Procedures In Los Angeles
Board-Certified Female Plastic Surgeon Specializing In Breast And Body Procedures In Los Angeles

Dr. Elise Min, a distinguished female plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, is renowned for her unique expertise in breast and body surgery. Board-certified and fellowship-trained, Dr. Min is celebrated for her personal approach to aesthetic surgery and her exceptional patient care. She places great emphasis on educating her patients, allowing them to make informed decisions about their treatment.

Before & Afters

Book Your Consultation

If you are in the Beverly Hills area and considering tuberous breast correction, finding a qualified plastic surgeon who can help you achieve your desired results is the first key step. At Dr. Min’s practice, she and her experienced team of staff are dedicated to helping patients feel confident and beautiful with their new look. Contact us today by phone or through our online form to book your consultation for breast correction in Beverly Hills.

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