360 Liposuction

Look Better from Every Angle

Most people are familiar with how stubborn fat can be in certain areas of their body. Some of these areas can seem immune to the efforts of diet and exercise, and it can feel like a defeat when the body no longer continues to slim down. Liposuction can be a great surgical solution when performed by an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon who can remove fat in a skillful, precise fashion.

What Is 360 Liposuction?

For 360 liposuction, the procedure involves an advanced body sculpting technique that creates a more balanced, feminine silhouette. It is often used to address stubborn fat deposits that cannot no longer respond to diet and exercise alone. One of the key features of 360 liposuction is that it can provide a slimmer contour by treating multiple areas at once, each with the others in mind for balanced, refined results. In a single procedure, patients can target stubborn fat in the abdomen, the flanks, and the back. During the same procedure, some may choose to put the removed fat cells into areas to shape areas that could use extra volume, such as the hip dips, buttocks or breasts.

Benefits of a Liposuction Procedure

Liposuction procedures have advanced significantly in recent years, making them much safer and more effective than ever before. Some of the benefits of opting for a 360 liposuction procedure with Dr. Min, an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon, may include:
  • Improved proportion and symmetry from every angle
  • Restored feminine curvature from every angle
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Fewer risks and improved safety

Who Is a Candidate for 360 Liposuction?

In most cases, 360 Liposuction is generally most suitable for patients who are generally healthy and at a happy, realistic weight who have isolated areas of stubborn fat that will not go away no matter how hard they diet or exercise. This technique of liposuction is for those who desire a three-dimensional transformation of their body. It is important to remember that liposuction is not a weight loss surgery, and those who accompany the procedure with healthy diet and exercise will reap most benefit.

An Overview of the Liposuction Procedure Experience

During the procedure, Dr. Min will begin by making small incisions in the treatment area, placed in inconspicuous areas out of sight. Next, a thin tube called a cannula is inserted into these incisions to remove fat deposits and sculpt the body shape. The power-assisted suction created during this process is designed to dissolve and break down fat cells without significantly damaging surrounding tissue structures such as nerves and blood vessels. The goal is to remove fat and let your other bodily tissues remain healthy and intact. For a basic liposuction procedure of an area or two, patients can expect about one to two hours of duration. However, for combination procedures or for 360 liposuction, the procedure can last up to six hours. For liposuction, patients can count on being comfortable for the entire duration, due to either local anesthetic to general anesthesia. Most liposuction patients are able to discharge home the same day but for those who underwent combination procedures that are six hours or longer, an overnight stay at an aftercare facility with one-on-one nursing is recommended for comfort and optimal postoperative care.

After the Surgery: Recovery

Liposuction requires excellent postoperative care to achieve the best results. You can expect some pain, swelling, bruising, and tenderness in the treatment area, but you can manage these side effects easily with prescribed medications. You will wear a compression garment, such as shapewear, for several weeks after the procedure to help reduce swelling and support the newly contoured areas. In terms of downtime, most patients will need to take about two weeks off from work and avoid strenuous physical activity during this time. During the first two months of postoperative care, lymphatic massage is essential in optimal healing. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is also recommended to help improve swelling and postoperative healing to be more efficient.

Seeing Your Results from a 360 Liposuction Procedure

Immediately after a 360 liposuction procedure, your body will hold onto fluids from the surgery. Over the next few weeks, you will see the swelling improve significantly, requiring sizing down of your compression garment every two weeks or so. You will then be able to see and enjoy a more toned, balanced look that will help you feel confident about your body from every angle. The results of a 360 liposuction procedure are typically long-lasting and natural-looking, making it one of the most popular body sculpting procedures in Beverly Hills. With good care and healthy lifestyle habits, you can maintain your results for years, thereby looking your best with a contoured and refined appearance.

Combining Liposuction With Other Procedures

Dr. Min may also recommend combining your liposuction procedure with other body sculpting treatments, such as a tummy tuck, fat transfer to volume-deficient areas of the body, or non-surgical adjunct therapy for skin tightening effects. This can help create more dramatic results and enhance the overall outcome of the procedure while also allowing you to only have a single period of downtime. Rest assured that Dr. Min will devise a surgical plan that prioritizes safety and optimal results and will counsel you accordingly. A comprehensive approach to body contouring can also help to ensure that you achieve natural-looking results while bringing out a more balanced aesthetic that matches your individual ideals and preferences.
Dr. Min
Dr. Min

Meet Dr. Elise Min

Board-Certified Female Plastic Surgeon Specializing In Breast And Body Procedures In Los Angeles
Board-Certified Female Plastic Surgeon Specializing In Breast And Body Procedures In Los Angeles

Dr. Elise Min, a distinguished female plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, is renowned for her unique expertise in breast and body surgery. Board-certified and fellowship-trained, Dr. Min is celebrated for her personal approach to aesthetic surgery and her exceptional patient care. She places great emphasis on educating her patients, allowing them to make informed decisions about their treatment.

360 Liposuction Before & Afters

Book Your Consultation for 360 Liposuction

If you would like to find out more about the benefits of 360 liposuction, contact our office today and book a consultation with Dr. Min. Our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you decide if 360 liposuction is right for delivering the results you are looking for. With modern liposuction techniques, we look forward to helping you look and feel at your absolute best. Call our office or use our online form to book your consultation visit and take your first step today.
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