Diastasis Recti Repair

Life events can often lead to permanent changes in the body, often due to strain or changes that come with age. For some, these body parts that undergo change may snap back after some time, but this is not true for everybody. To reclaim their body with a renewed sense of self, a diastasis recti repair can be beneficial.

What Is Diastasis Recti Repair?

A diastasis recti repair is a surgery procedure that corrects the weakened abdominal muscles commonly known as diastasis recti. This condition occurs when there is increased separation between the right and left sides of the rectus abdominis muscle, otherwise known as the “six-pack” muscle. The most common cause of this condition is pregnancy, but it may also be caused by excessive physical activity, rapid weight gain, or specific injuries.
Diastasis recti repair strengthens the abdominal walls by using stitches to reconnect the separated muscle fibers. This procedure can help improve posture, reduce back pain, and give patients a more toned appearance in their abdomen, which can also boost a sense of self-confidence. It is crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle after the repair is complete in order to maintain results and keep the abdominal muscles in form.


The most common benefit of a diastasis recti repair procedure is improved posture and core stability. In addition, patients may experience a decrease in abdominal pain, increased bladder control, and improved pelvic floor health. Additionally, the surgery can provide a more aesthetically pleasing result since the patient will no longer have the “pooch” or separation between their abdominal muscles.

Who Is a Candidate for Diastasis Recti Repair?

Patients interested in a diastasis recti repair should be candidates with no contraindications to surgery and who can benefit from the procedure. Generally, this means the patient should not have any other health conditions or medical issues related to their abdominal muscles or surrounding area. Additionally, patients should not have any risk factors for future abdominal strain, such as future pregnancies or significant weight fluctuations.

An Overview of the Diastasis Recti Repair Procedure

During the diastasis recti repair procedure, patients will be placed under general anesthesia. A tummy tuck incision is generally used to expose the separated muscles, and sutures are placed across the inner edge of the rectus muscles from one side to the other like a shoelace. This allows an “internal corset” appearance to the torso while restoring normal anatomy and addressing the bulge that may have been present. The incision will then be closed with sutures, and a compression garment may also be given to the patient postoperatively to help support the abdominal muscles during healing.

After the Surgery: Recovery and Results

The recovery process after a diastasis recti repair procedure can vary from person to person, but most patients can expect about two weeks of initial healing and downtime. During this time, the patient should avoid any strenuous activities or exercise that could impose strain on their abdominal muscles. Additionally, the patient may be instructed to wear a compression garment to facilitate optimal healing for the treated area.

Seeing Your Results

You may experience general postsurgical swelling the first few weeks or even months. Once the swelling gradually subsides, you will be able to see your final results. After a few months, patients will also start to feel improved posture and core strength.

Combining Diastasis Recti Repair With Other Procedures

Patients may find that combining a diastasis recti repair with other procedures can provide even better results, particularly in regard to aesthetic outcomes. Because diastasis recti is often associated with pregnancy, mommy makeover, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and liposuction are commonly performed at the same time. It can also take place at the same time as a hernia repair surgery depending on your goals and needs.
Dr. Min
Dr. Min

Meet Dr. Elise Min

Board-Certified Female Plastic Surgeon Specializing In Breast And Body Procedures In Los Angeles
Board-Certified Female Plastic Surgeon Specializing In Breast And Body Procedures In Los Angeles

Dr. Elise Min, a distinguished female plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, is renowned for her unique expertise in breast and body surgery. Board-certified and fellowship-trained, Dr. Min is celebrated for her personal approach to aesthetic surgery and her exceptional patient care. She places great emphasis on educating her patients, allowing them to make informed decisions about their treatment.

Before & Afters

Book Your Consultation in Beverly Hills Today

If you are interested in learning more about a diastasis recti repair procedure, don’t hesitate to contact our office by phone or online form. Our experienced staff can answer any questions you have about the surgery as well as help you set up a consultation in Beverly Hills with our board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Min.

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