Morpheus and BodyTite in Beverly Hills

A Minimally-Invasive Path to a Refined Contour

Many patients face a daunting challenge with skin laxity that do not respond to any amount of diet and exercise. However, not every patient will want to commit to a full surgical procedure to address these concerns.
That is why we offer Morpheus and BodyTite in Beverly Hills at Dr. Min’s practice, allowing patients a minimally-invasive alternative to surgery that still provides consistent, impressive results for body contouring.

What Is Morpheus?

Morpheus is a cutting-edge, non-surgical, minimally invasive skin rejuvenation procedure using microneedling methods. Through the use of advanced radiofrequency (RF) technology delivered through tiny punctures in the skin, Morpheus can deliver energy beneath the skin’s surface to remodel and contour your face with long-lasting results. It is a safe and effective way to reduce wrinkles, lines, and other signs of aging that allows for minimal downtime and a gentler overall experience compared to surgery.

Benefits of a Morpheus

Some of the Morpheus benefits our patients can expect to see may include:
  • Improved texture and tone of the skin
  • Reduction in fine lines, wrinkles, and other visible signs of aging 
  • Natural results with minimal downtime
  • It can be used on most areas of the body
  • Shorter treatment times than traditional laser treatments 
  • Quick recovery time following a single session 

What Is BodyTite?

BodyTite is a minimally-invasive body contouring procedure that utilizes radiofrequency (RF) energy to precisely and effectively tighten skin, and improve the body’s overall appearance. The result is smoother, firmer, more toned body contours with minimal downtime, especially compared to full surgical procedures. Utilizing advanced technology, BodyTite’s tiny incisions, no-downtime approach can help you achieve a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing silhouette by treating a range of body areas.

Benefits of the BodyTite Procedure

BodyTite offers a variety of benefits when performed by an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon. Some of these benefits can include the following:
  • Minimally invasive: BodyTite is performed using only tiny incisions to reduce the amount of trauma to your body. This reduces the recovery time and associated risks compared to traditional surgical procedures.
  • Skin tightening: BodyTite also utilizes RF energy to tighten the skin for a more refined contour, encouraging the body’s natural regenerative response.
  • Minimal downtime and scarring: As the procedure is minimally invasive, there is little downtime associated with it and virtually no visible scarring afterward, only positive results.

What Areas Can Be Treated With BodyTite?

BodyTite uses a highly versatile approach and can be used to treat many different areas of the body, including:
  • Abdomen
  • Arms 
  • Back 
  • Breasts 
  • Buttocks 
  • Flanks 
  • Hips 
  • Knees 
  • Neck 
  • Thighs

Who Is a Candidate for BodyTite?

BodyTite procedures are best suited for individuals who have had some degree of skin laxity as well as mild amounts of fat reduction. The procedure can be ideal for both men and women, but it is not intended to replace traditional liposuction techniques for larger areas of fat or a surgical procedure that removes excess skin.
BodyTite is an excellent alternative to invasive surgical procedures for individuals who have realistic expectations and want to avoid the risks associated with surgery or scars. It is frequently combined with other body contouring treatments or procedures for a more transformative experience.

An Overview of the BodyTite Procedure

BodyTite is performed in our office under local anesthesia or light sedation according to what will make the patient most comfortable. During the procedure, a tiny incision is made, and specialized RF probes are inserted into the treatment area to deliver precise amounts of energy. This energy heats up the fat cells, causing them to break down and be absorbed and eliminated by your body’s natural metabolic processes while also activating the body’s natural response to the energy: new collagen generation. This latter effect leads to gradual increases in tissue tightening.

After the Surgery: Recovery

After the BodyTite procedure, you may experience some swelling and soreness for a few days and return to normal activities soon after. You may be advised to wear compression garments postoperatively. Compared to full surgical procedures, the BodyTite recovery period is shorter, more comfortable, and milder in every manner.

Seeing Your Results from BodyTite

The results of the BodyTite procedure typically take several weeks as your body continues to heal. As your body continues to respond to the BodyTite procedure, you should begin to see a more refined contour in the treated area as collagen production naturally tightens the underlying tissues and the skin. This may include tighter skin and better definition in the curves of your body that can last for months to years with the right maintenance. The results of this procedure are long-lasting if you maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a healthy diet and habits. It’s important to keep up with an appropriate exercise regimen as well to prevent the formation of new pockets of fat.

Combining BodyTite With Other Procedures

BodyTite can be combined with other body contouring or skin tightening treatments to further enhance your results and overall aesthetic. Depending on your individual needs and goals, we may recommend combining multiple procedures to achieve the best outcome. You can fully explore your procedure and treatment options during your comprehensive consultation visit with Dr. Min for full information to help you make decisions comfortably and with confidence.
Dr. Min
Dr. Min

Meet Dr. Elise Min

Board-Certified Female Plastic Surgeon Specializing In Breast And Body Procedures In Los Angeles
Board-Certified Female Plastic Surgeon Specializing In Breast And Body Procedures In Los Angeles

Dr. Elise Min, a distinguished female plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, is renowned for her unique expertise in breast and body surgery. Board-certified and fellowship-trained, Dr. Min is celebrated for her personal approach to aesthetic surgery and her exceptional patient care. She places great emphasis on educating her patients, allowing them to make informed decisions about their treatment.

Morpheus and BodyTite Before & Afters

Book Your Consultation for Morpheus and BodyTite in Beverly Hills Today

Morpheus and BodyTite can help you achieve a more refined and youthful contour with minimal downtime. To find out if this procedure is right for you, book your consultation with Dr. Min in Beverly Hills today! We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals in Beverly Hills. Call our office or use our online form to take that first step toward seeing a revitalized body contour that you will love.
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