Brazilian Butt Lift

Empowering Allure and Enhanced Definition

Combining the visual impact of rounder, fuller buttocks with a slimmed-down physique, our Brazilian butt lift procedure aims to deliver a transformative experience to our patients. Dr. Elise Min provides patients with the option of a BBL in Beverly Hills, gladly helping patients to uncover a vitalizing new aesthetic.

What Is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Brazilian butt lift is an aesthetic surgery procedure that utilizes fat grafting to contour, shape, and enhance the size of a patient’s buttocks. It is one of the most popular buttock augmentation surgeries today due to its natural-looking yet impressive potential for results. The results of this procedure can last for years with proper care and maintenance, and any risk is significantly reduced when it is performed by an experienced, board-certified female plastic surgeon such as Dr. Min.

Benefits of a BBL

  • See lasting enhancements to roundness and fullness of buttocks
  • Experience body contouring at the sites where fat is grafted from
  • Maintain a natural look and feel
  • Avoid the risk of allergic reactions to artificial buttock fillers

Who Is a Candidate for a BBL?

Individuals with realistic expectations who are seeking a more feminine, fuller buttock with improved definition are on the right path to being ideal candidates for a Brazilian butt lift. However, one of the most key aspects for a candidate to be eligible for the procedure is they must also have enough fat to achieve the desired look. Patients with minimal body fat may not have enough fatty tissue to transfer to the buttocks. In some cases, patients with less body fat may elect for a mini-BBL for milder results that can still improve volume and shape.

An Overview of a Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure

A Brazilian butt lift occurs as a series of steps, starting with fat removal and ending with injecting the prepared fat into target areas on the buttocks. The procedure begins with a specialized method of liposuction at the donor site (usually the patient’s abdomen, flanks or commonly known as “love handles”, back, or thighs). This fat removal not only provides fat to transfer to the buttocks but also slims down the treated areas for a body contouring effect. The harvested fat will then be processed and prepared for injection before finally being reinjected into the buttock area to achieve the desired shape and size. During the procedure, special attention is given to areas around your waist curves for a visible enhancement while also maintaining a natural look.

After the Treatments: Recovery

Patients can expect to have about two weeks of downtime for the initial recovery period. During this time, patients will see the best outcomes by taking time off work and following Dr. Min’s post-procedure instructions, such as avoiding physical activity and avoiding pressure on the buttocks. For the first 24-48 hours, a friend or family member will need to stay with you during recovery, and it is important to keep pressure off the buttocks by avoiding laying on your back or sitting on your buttocks. During the first few weeks, wearing a compression garment is vital in optimal healing.

Seeing Your Results from a BBL

Patients will be able to see some results of a Brazilian butt lift be visible immediately after the procedure. However, two things need to be kept in mind. First, some of the fat in the buttocks will settle and be reabsorbed into the body. Second, patients can see their results continue to improve over the next few months as the swelling goes down. As your body heals and adjusts to its new shape, you can expect to see full results within about three months. Many patients appreciate their fuller buttocks for years afterward with little need for additional treatments or procedures. Still, to keep your results looking optimal for years to come, it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes exercising regularly, following a balanced diet, and making sure you give your body the care it deserves.

Combining a BBL With Other Procedures

If you are looking for more dramatic improvements to your body shape, a Brazilian butt lift can be combined with other procedures. Though the choice depends on the patient’s individual goals and situation, some commonly paired treatments include liposuction and tummy tuck. Combining these treatments can help you achieve the curves you desire in one efficient procedure, allowing you to only require one recovery period rather than several. Dr. Min can discuss with you what combination of surgeries may be ideal for seeing your target results, providing a complete overview of your options so you can decide with confidence on your personalized plan.

Is a BBL Safe?

Any medical or cosmetic procedure can carry some risk. Working with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon is the best way to minimize risk as the surgeon will use safe and consistent techniques with sound clinical judgment.
Dr. Min
Dr. Min

Meet Dr. Elise Min

Board-Certified Female Plastic Surgeon Specializing In Breast And Body Procedures In Los Angeles
Board-Certified Female Plastic Surgeon Specializing In Breast And Body Procedures In Los Angeles

Dr. Elise Min, a distinguished female plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, is renowned for her unique expertise in breast and body surgery. Board-certified and fellowship-trained, Dr. Min is celebrated for her personal approach to aesthetic surgery and her exceptional patient care. She places great emphasis on educating her patients, allowing them to make informed decisions about their treatment.

Brazilian Butt Lift Before & Afters

Book Your Consultation Today

If you are interested in learning more about Dr. Min’s approach to Brazilian butt lift surgery in Beverly Hills, she and her experienced team at her Beverly Hills clinic are here to help. Dr. Min’s practice specializes in helping people achieve their desired body shapes with safe and effective treatments and aesthetic surgeries. Contact us today to book your consultation and learn more about how we can build a new bodily contour that brings out the most of your natural beauty.
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