How Long Does Blepharoplasty Take?

concept for how long does blepharoplasty take with eyelids outlined

You and your surgeon have discussed it, and a day has been scheduled for your eyelid surgery. By removing excess skin and fat, you’re on your way to improving your appearance and gaining confidence. The length of your blepharoplasty depends on several contributing factors. We will discuss key elements of your procedure and break down … Read more

How a Mommy Makeover Can Recover Your Body Confidence

concept for how mommy makeover can recover your body confidence

If you have just gone through a complicated childbirth or extreme weight loss, your body may not look exactly the way you always dreamed about. But do not worry – that is exactly what mommy makeovers are for. Mommy makeovers are custom experiences designed to help your body bounce back after a major physical event. … Read more